Gender between “East” and “West”. Polish case study.

16:00 – 17:00 (EG07)

Monika Rogowska-Stangret

In the recent public discourse in Poland the notion of gender has become a symbol of Satan, ideology that threatens Polish, catholic traditional values, models of family and gender roles. On the one hand, it is stressed that “gender” is a foreign word and it might be analyzed in terms of western colonialization of eastern discourse (as it is sometimes presented). On the other hand however, nationalist, conservatists and other people that present gender as “the ideology of gender” that depraves “our children and is unhealthy for our families” colonialize Polish public discourse with “polish traditional values”, “Polish Catholicism” and generally with “Polish core”. In consequence, there came into being two different “tribes” (who may be defined for example as anti-gender and gender-friendly), who doesn’t understand each other and attack each other. The models of those attacks are different – some use violence and aggression, some do not, but it seems hard to find a common space, a common ground. I would like to talk with other participants about the possible solutions to this situation, which is based in Polish context but may have different forms in other “Eastern” countries as well. Is it worthwhile to try to establish common ground or is it just a utopia? How to cope with these kinds of conflicts? Should we try to understand “the other side” or might this relation be compared with the relation with allergen – always causing allergy? How can we address hate and aggression in public discourse?

Invitation Politix: Open to all
Language: English
Country: Poland/Warsaw