Radio shows about the festival

We already have radio coverage and a lot of more requests for different radio shows. We will keep you updated on that.

Here what was already sent:

Programme, Materials & Location updates

Poster (1024px) - JPG 0.5 MBFinally we could put online some material. Posters and Flyers can be found in the material section, more infos on the festival venue with some nice plans how to get there is in the location section. And lust but not least (yes, we mean it ;)) the first public version of the programme is online too. Head to the programme section for that.

Within the next day more and more updates might follow. Especially the programme is just the first preliminary public version. Some minor changes still could occur. Also we would like to ask back at those participants who provide some workshop/lecture/discussion/performance/* how they want their stuff announces. That is why names and titles will be updated within the next days. Also a collection of short explanations of the single events (a sort of ‘book of abstracts’) is being compiled and hopefully online at our next meeting (which will be this Friday).

We also still and always could need more people doing organisational stuff, or just be there with some helping hands. If you plan to just come by at the festival to help out a bit, please let us know before, so that we don’t have completely stress out just because we think we are all alone 😉

Programme in progress…

Short update: We got a lot of very interesting applications and already sent out invitations. This week we try to come up with some first schedule for the final programme. Also flyers, posters and a better website design will follow very soon. Hopefully all this info can be published here at the beginning of next week.